If traders do not return prices with normal margins on their own, we will take unpopular measures again, Bekteshi warns


Some traders have drastically increased the prices of basic food products, which previously had frozen margins and reduced VAT by a decision of the Government. These traders have a monopoly on the market for certain products and after the completion of the measures, the prices increased by 50 to 70 percent, said the Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi in an interview with the “24 Analiza” political show.

“Not a week has passed where certain products have become more expensive, but that is only in the part of pasta and some other products. In the case of cooking oil and other products, only the percentage of the VAT part is refunded. We will make a conclusion for all, inspectors to go out on the field and check if the prices are artificially increased. There are certain companies that have artificially increased prices by over 50% and even up to 70% in order to take advantage of the situation on the backs of citizens. They do not want to give up a single percent of the profits,” said Minister Bekteshi.

The Minister said that together with the competent institutions, the Customs Administration, the State Market Inspectorate and the Public Revenue Office, the price data are being analyzed.

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