Minimum monthly expenses jump by MKD 4,600 in just one year


Inflation in May could reach 11.9%, mostly due to rising food prices, according to the State Statistical Office. This gives a drastic increase in the amount of the minimum wage basket, which is calculated every month by the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM), and which maintains the minimum monthly expenses for a family of four.

Thus, the minimum basket according to SSM in May this year is 38,791.00 denars. It was 35.811.00 denars in January, which means that now it is “heavier” by 2.980.00 denars, ie by 8.32%.

And, in just one year, or compared to May 2021 when the expenses basket was 34,156.00 denars, now it has increased by 4,635.00 denars or 12.78%.

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