Government freezes margin of bread, sugar and oil at 5 percent; flour, macaroni, rice, milk and eggs at 10 percent


At the proposal of the Ministry of Economy, the Government at today’s session adopted a Decision on determining the highest trade margin of basic food products in wholesale and retail trade, said Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi at a press conference in front of the Government on Tuesday.

“In consultation with the business community and in coordination with the competent institutions, we have adopted a Decision according to which, starting tomorrow, until September 30, 2022, for sliced bread of a whole loaf, white sugar, as well as sunflower oil (extra virgin oil excluded) sets a trade margin of up to 5 percent in wholesale and up to 5 percent in retail. For wheat flour – type 400 and type 500 – macaroni and durum wheat spaghetti, Macedonian rice white, permanent cow’s milk with a fat content of 2.8, 3.2 and 3.5 percent and chicken eggs, for all companies and individual traders who participate in the trade chain, a trade margin of up to 10 percent in wholesale trade and up to 10 percent in retail trade is established,” said Minister Bekteshi.

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