Miteva: VMRO-DPMNE with questionnaires to the citizens, whose answer is the reason for change


Wages are low and the cost of living is too high! The monthly budget is not even enough to pay the monthly bills for electricity, television and other expenses. The things we bought last year are noticeably twice as expensive this year. We save, but the government does not do that and does not help us. And in a situation where silence must not be an option we need to say things out loud to change them. Because it is enough, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Marija Miteva on Tuesday.

Miteva adds that economic power is worse, people have less money, and the Government only cares about its party and business interests. Even in a situation where silence must not be an option to say things out loud to change them. Questionnaires with all these questions will be handed to you. No matter how much the answers are expected, unlike this Government, your views and your voice are extremely important to us. Let’s be loud for change on June 18 at 8 pm in front of the Government, said the opposition spokesperson.

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