Kovachevski, Osmani and Marichikj pursue nationalist policy and endanger national interests, resign immediately, VMRO-DPMNE says



Dimitar Kovachevski, Bujar Osmani and Bojan Marichikj pursue a national policy, thus consciously endangering the national and state interests of the Republic of Macedonia. The fact that they do not say what the French proposal contains is just a proof that they want to permanently disrupt the negotiating positions of the country and deviate from the Macedonian top lines, VMRO-DPMNE said on Wednesday.

“The statement that the country was the target of a hybrid attack is just an attempt to cover up their incompetence. And if that is true then Kovachevski, Osmani and Marichikj must take responsibility. Instead of being afraid and running away from the media and confronting the people, Kovachevski must answer in front of the whole public, what exactly is the team from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs negotiating and agreeing on that is sent to Bulgaria and has Macedonia already accepted the French proposal? VMRO-DPMNE, the citizens, the expert and intellectual public decisively reject the acceptance of the French proposal and the sale of the national interests,” the opposition party points out.


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