VMRO-DPMNE: Language is not guaranteed, Kovachevski’s government accepts Bulgaria to rewrite our textbooks


The language is not guaranteed, Kovachevski’s government accepts Bulgaria to rewrite our textbooks. The government boasts that the language is guaranteed, but it is contested, while the textbooks will be written by Bulgaria, VMRO-DPMNE reacted on Monday.

“The Macedonian language is not guaranteed by the proposal that the government is boasting about. The official language of a candidate country for the EU is recognized in chapter 34. The Macedonian language is not in the proposal, and there is a danger that when chapter 34 is opened and closed, it will be contested.

This proposal leaves a problem and the possibility of the language being contested, because it is not guaranteed. In addition to the proposal, the historical commission is the one that will be able to continue to be the brake on everything, if something is not according to Bulgaria’s will. Bulgaria is simply given the right to write history textbooks in Macedonia.

The Government provides nothing. It only opens numerous problems. That’s why it’s too much. Elections are needed as soon as possible”, reads the opposition’s press release.

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