Bekteshi announces fines and greater control of electricity consumption


There will be measures and penalties against those companies that abuse the situation with the energy crisis. We monitor the situation on the ground with the prices of both energy and basic food products. After the rebalancing is adopted in the Parliament, we as the Ministry of Economy are already working on designing support measures that will be aimed at the most vulnerable categories of citizens with low incomes, said the Macedonian Minister of EconomyKreshnikBekteshiduring an interviewwith TV 24.

In the section on abuses of electricity and the new tariff model for the price, Bekteshistressed that measures and penalties are already being considered for companies that abuse the system and the situation with the energy crisis at the expense of the citizens.

The Economy Minister emphasized that the country ‘is expecting a difficult winter energy-wise, but that all preparations are being made by all institutions in order to ensure as much domestic electricity production as possible and to have a continuous supply of natural gas’.

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