Russian Embassy on Pendarovski’s statements: Russia has not interfered, is not interfering and has no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of any country


The Russian Embassy in N. Macedonia sent a reaction to the statement made by Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski, according to which “the Russian Federation abuses the protests through hybrid attacks” against the French proposal, as well as that “we are facing a serious disinformation campaign produced by Russia, the same as after the Prespa Agreement”.

“We paid attention to the statements of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mr. Stevo Pendarovski, in an interview for the TV 21 channel on July 8 and for the daily newspaper “Ethnos” on July 10 regarding the actions of Russia in the RNM and in the Balkan region in whole.

We reject the accusations leveled against our country – Russia has not interfered, is not interfering and does not intend to interfere in the internal affairs of any country, including North Macedonia – despite what they are trying to catch it with this.

This contradicts the very philosophy of Russian foreign policy. It is well known that such attempts never bring the desired effect and end up discrediting those who resort to such methods.

We respect any choice of the Macedonian people, we are ready to continue building our cooperation based on exactly this foundation – mutual respect and equality.


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