Bulgarian media: The Protocol will not be published today?


The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia and Bulgaria, BujarOsmani and TeodoraGenchovska, on Sunday signed the protocol for the implementation of the Good Neighborliness Treaty, but according to the Bulgarian media, its content will not be published today either. The Bulgarian National Radio reported that the content of this document is expected to be published in the coming days, most likely after tomorrow’s meeting of EU ambassadors in Brussels.

It is known that the document is at least 10 pages long and contains specific measures and deadlines for both parties. According to what Osmani said at a press briefing, there is a joint celebration of historical figures and events, as well as a change of textbooks, etc.

For days, Osmani assured the anxious Macedonian public that the protocol would be published and debated before it was signed, but he did not do so

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