Institutions are working on the Zhan Mitrev private clinic case, Kovachevski claims


Maceodnian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski says that in connection with the IRL story about the work of the “Zhan Mitrev” clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic, all the necessary expert commissions have been formed, all inspectorates have been informed who will take the necessary measures, after which the Minister of Health should to inform the Government about everything that will be determined. If evidence is obtained that alludes to irregularities, they will be processed according to legal procedures, stressed Kovachevski.

The Minister of Health will have to inform the Government about all the data he receives. If, based on the findings of the commissions and the inspection supervisions, information is obtained that alludes to irregularities, naturally they will be prosecuted in accordance with the legal regulations, Kovachevski said in response to a question by the MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE Bojan Stojanovski.



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