VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM and Kovachevski will be dramatically defeated, they hired party police paid with state money to beat people who don’t like Kovachevski


SDSM and Kovachevski will be dramatically defeated, they hired party police paid with taxpayers’ money to beat people who don’t like Kovachevski. And while they surrounded Mechkin Kamen with police and party thugs, they prevented thousands of citizens from attending the demonstration, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Thursday.
The opposition party points out that Kovachevski did not allow the people to attend the Mechkin Kamen demonstration, because he is afraid of the people, and he even brought party activists with buses so that he would not be alone on Ilinden when he restricted access to the citizens.
“Kovachevski ran away from the people at Mechkin Kamen just as he ran away from a referendum and elections. There will be accountability for Kovachevski’s bullies, who beat the people at Mechkin Kamen, but there will also be responsibility for Kovachevski himself because he, along with Pendarovski, is the main organizer of the betrayals, the party’s press release reads.

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