Farmers store the wheat, they say they are waiting for a better purchase price


Seventy percent of the wheat is stored in the silos and barns of producers from the eastern region, according to the estimates of the vice-president of the Farmers’ Association Goce Sarafimov. He told MIA that the harvest of bread grain and barley is over, and the purchase price of grain crops is low and unprofitable to hand over to the mills or traders, who are looking for export. He pointed out that this year, due to the high price of fertilizers, the crop is poor in both quality and quantity. If a year ago the garbage was 600 denars, this year it was 2200 denars.
“The purchase price is the same as in the height of the harvest, barley is from 16 to 17 denars and it is purchased by merchants, our herdsmen cannot even pay that price. Wheat is from 18 to 19 denars, the mills buy it, and the merchants give 20 denars each for export. This year is very bad, because we have very little crop, we have 200 to 250 kilos of crop. The fertilizer was really very expensive and the farmers could not all use fertilizers, and there was no rain either”, says Serafimov.

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