VMRO-DPMNE: The economy and the standard are sinking, all SDSM officials don’t believe the hungry people


Due to the incompetence and irresponsibility of the SDSM and Kovachevski government, the Macedonian economy is collapsing.
The growth of the economy in the first quarter of 2022 is twice lower compared to Serbia and Kosovo and almost three times lower compared to Albania. Unfortunately, this trend has been going on for several years, which shows how bad the government’s economic policies are. If one of the highest inflation rates is added to this, then we get a complete picture of the disastrous economic situation. The basic needs of life, such as bread and cooking oil, have increased in price by 100%.
Due to the crime and corruption of the government of SDSM and Kovachevski, Macedonia is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, which is avoided by foreign investments in a wide arc. About half a million inhabitants live in poverty with only 150 denars a day, and only in the first quarter of this year 4,000 companies were closed.
While the people are barely making ends meet with the costliness and the drop in standards, the government, on the other hand, luxuriates with gold plates, flowers, hotel services, new official vehicles, or arranges tenders and public purchases through which only fills the pockets or certain people.

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