Artists in Macedonia do not have a dignified space to work and a gallery, says SFAM head


It is more than indecent for a country that has such a significant association as the Society of Fine Artists of Macedonia (SFAM), with 75 years of existence and with a great cultural and artistic memory from generations and generations back, to not have a suitable gallery and a dignified space for work. I sincerely hope for a serious consideration on the part of the state, and some awareness that this problem must be solved, said the president of SFAM, prof. Dr. Jana Maneva-Chuposka in an interview with MIA.

In the interview, Maneva-Chuposka stresses that the Society does not have a suitable space for work, given that it is now staying in the House of the ARM, and also clarifies that they need a gallery space, where they will have the opportunity to organize and create artistic concepts.


It is more than indecent for a country that has such a significant association as the Society of Fine Artists of Macedonia (SFAM), with 75 years of existence and with a great cultural and artistic memory from generations and generations back, to not have a suitable gallery and a dignified space for work. I sincerely hope for a serious consideration on the part of the state, and some awareness that this problem must be solved, said the president of SFAM, prof. Dr. Jana Maneva-Chuposka in an interview with MIA.

In the interview, Maneva-Chuposka stresses that the Society does not have a suitable space for work, given that it is now staying in the House of the ARM, and also clarifies that they need a gallery space, where they will have the opportunity to organize and create artistic concepts.

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