School supplies are 50 percent more expensive, about MKD 6,000 needed for a first grader


Before the beginning of the new school year, parents have already started preparing their children for school. Notebooks, school supplies, backpacks and other school material are bought, but unlike last years, the prices are now higher by 50 to 60 percent on average.
Thus, now, to equip a first-grader, an average of 5,000 to 6,000 denars is needed, unlike before the pandemic, when the costs for a first-grader ranged from 3,000 to 4,000 denars.
Bookstores, which are the most visited destinations in this period of the year, inform that the prices of school materials have increased by 50 to 60 percent compared to previous years, that is, before the onset of the pandemic.

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