analysis: 100 private companies had a total profit of EUR 735.5 million in 2021


Data by profit shows that 100 companies made a total profit of 735.5 million euros in 2021, while in 2020, their profit was 517.4 million euros, which means that in one year it increased by 42%. This is shown by the analysis of in cooperation with the credit information platform, for the third year in a row, presented the list of “100 Largest” companies by profit in Macedonia for the year 2021.The project contains three categories – largest companies by revenue, profit and number of employees. The goal is to contribute to the development and strengthening of the positive business climate through the promotion of positive business practice.

The subject of the ranking of the 100 largest are companies – trading companies in private ownership. The ranking list does not include legal entities, banks, insurance companies, state institutions, state-owned companies and other legal entities that are not registered according to the law on commercial companies.

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