VMRO-DPMNE asks SCPC to open investigation after a tip-off that SDSM’s Zekir Ramchilovikj hired his wife and son in the Ministry of the Interior


The State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) should open an investigation after a tip-off on how Zekir Ramchilovikj from the ranks of ruling SDSM employed his wife and son in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, VMRO-DPMNE MP Toni Jarevski pointed out at a press conference on Tuesday.

“After becoming a SDSM MP, Zekir Ramchilovikj first employed his wife in a high position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now he also employed his son as a police officer. Within less than three years, two members of the Ramchilovikj family are employed in the Ministry of the Interior, and all this after he was an MP from the SDSM,” Jarevski said.

The opposition MP pointed out that the employments of Ramchilovikj’s wife and son coincided with the periods in which he voted for all the “national betrayals”.


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