Soldier injured at “Ilinden” – His gun went off while it was being handed over to a colleague


A member of the Macedonian army was wounded in the leg when he fired the gun handed to him by a colleague who was supposed to take over a shift, the Ministry of the Interior said.

“On 25.08.2022 at around 2:50 p.m. it was reported to the Skopje Police that B.T. (45) from Zletovo was injured at the “Ilinden” barracks in Skopje and was taken to the City General Hospital “September 8” for a medical examination help. According to the report, he suffered the injury during a shift handover and weapon check by another military person, when the gun fired into the floor, and from the ricochet a piece of the floor hit him in the leg,” says the Ministry of the Interior.

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