We propose that rice become a strategic crop and through the Agency for Commodity Reserves to purchase a quantity that will be stored as a national reserve, says Tripunovski


Head of the VMRO-DPMNE Commission for agriculture, forestry and water management Cvetan Tripunovski attended the protest on Sunday in Cheshinovo-Obleshevo where rice farmers expressed their dissatisfaction with the policies of the current government. Tripunovski asked the authorities to immediately start amending the Law that the VMRO-DPMNEMPs  submitted to the Parliament.

“They should immediately start amending the Law that the VMRO-DPMNE MPs submitted to the Parliament, and that is to make rice a strategic crop and immediately through the Agency for Commodity Reserves to buy back the amount that is stored for the national reserves. It is one of the solutions that we are currently offering as the opposition to the government to solve this ongoing issue,” said Tripunovski.

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