PPO files charges against a former public prosecutor for malpractice


The PPO Struga submitted to the competent court an indictment against the former public prosecutor from PPO Ohrid for a prolonged criminal offense – Malpractice in the service from Article 353-c paragraph 2 in connection with paragraph 1 and in connection with Article 45 of the Criminal Code.

The accused, in the period between November 19, 2013 and November 25, 2021, apparently acted negligently in the exercise of his powers and duties related to taking or not taking actions on specific cases. In that way, he enabled the reported criminal acts to become absolutely statute-barred for prosecution, and thus, more severely violated the rights of others – the submitters of the criminal charges and the injured parties. They did not receive a decision to prosecute the reported persons – thus they were denied to exercise their rights as injured parties in court proceedings, nor did they receive a decision – a decision to dismiss the submitted criminal charges, which would give the injured parties the right to appeal to exercise them the rights in a preliminary procedure, it is stated in the announcement of PPO Struga.

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