Ejup Rustemi did not answer how and who discovered that behind IGH, the company that won the tender for the supervision of Corridor 8, was Russian capital


On Monday, during an interview on a political show on TV21, Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi exclusively revealed that behind the Croatian company IGH, which won the tender for the supervision of Corridor 8, is Russian capital.
The director of the Public Enterprise of State Roads, Ejup Rustemi, pointed out Thursday on TV21 that two companies, the American Hill and the Croatian IGH, participated in the tender for the supervision of Corridor 8, which will be built by the Bechtel ENKA company.
“The Hill company was disqualified because it allegedly did not submit complete documentation within the given period, after which the commission decided to award the tender to the Croatian IGH. The IGH company did not deliver the bank guarantee of 2.6 million euros within the given period, after which the commission decided to cancel the tender. The company appealed to a second-level commission, for which they have the legal right and a deadline of ten days, but they replied that the appeal was groundless,” said director Ejup Rustemi.

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