This week is crucial for electricity, households secure until March!


During this week, it will be known from where electricity will be procured for the economy. On Monday or Tuesday, the Turkish state company “Botash” will submit the offer with the quantity and price for the delivery of gas and electricity, as well as the price of transmission. What is clear is that if an agreement is reached, the Turkish Stream gas pipeline, which has branches in Bulgaria and Greece, will be used.

The authorities assure that for households and small companies that are on the regulated market, electricity is provided until March next year. About twenty days before the beginning of the heating season, the supply of Skopje with thermal energy is suspended. The TE-TO power plant, which simultaneously produces electricity and thermal energy, says that they have gas reserves until the end of September and that they do not currently have a contract for the purchase of new quantities. Also, “Balkan Energy Group” does not have reserves of energy for the production of thermal energy for the East and West heating plants. Although with revoked work licenses, BEG has a legal obligation to deliver service to the citizens, and also the heat energy users should not fear that the heating season will start on time.

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