VMRO-DPMNE: The deserter Kovachevski is at the head of the Solar Cartel from the BROILO affair, weighing 26 million euros


The SDS should answer the following questions:

Is the deserter Kovachevski the founder of the company Piskcell, which is a central part of the Broilo affair?

Has the Pikcellcompany received 2 million euros in state tenders while SDS is in power?

IsPaunov deserter Kovachevski’s best man and the owner of the company KMG EOL Kvazar, which only has a contract of 2 million euros with EVN?

The answer to all questions is affirmative. That’s why the deserter Kovachevski is responsible for the entire Solar Cartel from the scandal worth 26 million euros, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Monday.

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