Mickoski: I expect the Government to support the changes to the Law on Registration of Citizens’ Associations proposed by VMRO-DPMNE in order to put an end to the provocations  


The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, during his visit to Prilep on Sunday referred to the proposed amendments to the Law on the Registration of Citizens’ Associations, while he pointed out that the government has been lying to the Macedonian public for 3 months about changes to this law.

“For three months they have been lying to the Macedonian public that they will propose a law and we have not seen that they are proposing, and clubs in neighboring countries that carry the names of proven fascists are opening all over Macedonia. We took it and we proposed it, and we expect support from the Government or at least to say what should be added to that law that they don’t want to accept,” Mickoski said.

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