Crvenkovska, the judge who was supposed to control judges, fined for not declaring personal asset


Pavlina Crvenkovska, the head of the Judicial Council, did not report her personal property in time to the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, and for this she will pay a fine of 150 euros. The SCPC says that during the collection of the documents for Crvenkovska’s property, a series of inconsistencies were found in the data, and they will send a notification about this to the Prosecutor’s Office.

“There are inconsistencies in the data highlighted in the asset declaration, there are companies that are owned by close people, the spouse, and the suspicions that we ascertained regarding private and legal entities are no longer our competence. We found that while gathering information. We will inform the Public Prosecutor’s Office about what we ascertained during our investigation,” said the SCPC member Nuri Bajrami.


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