MFA send a protest note to Bulgaria about Kostadinov’s statement that Macedonia is a second Bulgarian state


The Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Skopje, sent a verbal protest note to the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regarding the statements of the MP and leader of the political party Prerodba Kostadin Kostadinov during the constituent session of the National Assembly of Bulgaria.

The protest note expresses extreme dissatisfaction with the content of the statement in which irredentist and territorial claims against N. Macedonia are publicly expressed.

“We reiterate the appeal that such statements are directly contrary to the intention of the two countries to respect and nurture the spirit of the 2017 Friendship and Good Neighborliness Treaty, in the direction of creating close and friendly relations based on mutual respect and cooperation. We expect the relevant political and institutional factors in the Republic of Bulgaria to distance themselves and condemn such provocations and attempts to disrupt good-neighborly relations,” the Macedonian MFA said in a press release.

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