Slow implementation of the Strategy for Education, states the EC report


Macedonia is moderately prepared in the field of education, states the European Commission in the Annual Report on the country’s progress. Limited progress has been achieved in the reporting period, taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The EC notes that the implementation of the Education Strategy 2018-2025 and the development of an appropriate monitoring system are slow.

The recommendations from last year’s report remain valid because they have been partially fulfilled. Next year, according to the recommendations in Chapter 26 of the Report, the country should focus in particular on the adoption of the Law on Vocational Education and Training (VET) and on the establishment and operationalization of regional centers for vocational education and training, to finalize and adopt the Law on adult education. It should improve access to quality education for all, especially children with disabilities and Roma children, by increasing enrollment in pre-school education, and also improve support for teacher training and professional development.


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