Mickoski: The 2023 Budget is exaggerated and does not correspond to the real economic situation


The Budget is exaggerated and does not correspond to the real economic situation in the country, claims VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, after the Government adopted the 2023 Draft Budget on Wednesday.

According to the opposition leader, the expenditures are excessive already in the first year, as he said, the Government violates the rule of the budget deficit, which was previously adopted by the Parliament with the Budget Law, that is, it is greater than 3 percent as defined there.

“With that, they once again show their lying character. They use the same two words – “golden rule” as last year. Besimi for the 2022 Budget connected the “golden rule” with capital investments and announced their record level, 38 billion denars, which was reduced to 32 billion denars with the review, and the current state of capital investments is 14 billion denars. They are now announcing the same for next year, with the same words, only now Kovachevski does it and says “the golden rule in capital expenditures”, and announces not 32 or 38 but 49 billion denars. It is yet again another lie and the same manipulation as last year. It is necessary to tell the citizens clearly and loudly that the budget is intended exclusively for stealing, because this is the last year of their government, said Mickoski, asked by the media during his visit to Prilep on Thursday.

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