Tax increase will bring higher electricity bills as of 2023


Higher electricity bills as of next year. With the announced increase in VAT from 5 to 10%, citizens’ bills will increase by 4 to 5% depending on consumption. The President of the Energy Regulatory Commission is determined to find other solutions that will not harm the citizens.

Now is a time of crisis, but also an opportunity for creative solutions with one goal – to be able in some way to amortize this announced increase in VAT and meet the demands of households, said the head of RKE Marko Bislimovski.

Bislimovski added that, in practice, this means that a family that now pays 2138 denars, has 5 percent VAT of 93 denars on its invoice. If the VAT jumps to 10%, this bill would be higher by an additional 93 denars, that is, the total debt will be 2231 denars. If the price of electricity also goes up, the increase will be even higher.


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