Acting director of PE Water Supply and Sewerage fires head of Water Supply Union


Acting Director of PE Water Supply and Sewerage – Skopje Marjanche Mitovski continues with his sheriff’s behavior and this morning, contrary to the Law and collective agreement, he resigned from the President of the Trade Union in Water Supply and Sewerage – Skopje. This is a precedent in the operation, bearing in mind that the acting director is an unpredictable person, with a conflicting situation at work, with bad thoughts, who thought that in response to the announced strike in the Public Enterprise Water Supply and Sewerage, now is the moment to fire the president of union Stojanche Kashikovski, the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) said on Friday.
“According to the law and the collective agreement, the president of the union cannot be fired, especially because at the moment a strike procedure is being carried out and this kind of pressure is a message for the workers to obey Mitovski, who has already sent threatening messages to all the workers who are now working despite the warning from the SUTKOZ Trade Union at SSM, which was one of the main demands for the dismissal of the acting director.
With the resignation of the president of the trade union Kashikovski, there is no one to stop Marjanche Mitovski from realizing his bad thoughts, which are dangerous for the safety of the sources from which water is supplied to the city and the citizens of Skopje, and which the trade union publicly warned would happen, and now with the activities of the acting director, this is confirmed.
The dismissal was given because the conflicted Mitovski misconceived that the employee Stojanche Kashikovski was obliged to perform work tasks and obligations during annual leave, and the only responsible person at the legal entity in accordance with the Statute of PE Water Supply and Sewerage –
Acting Director of PE Water Supply and Sewerage – Skopje Marjanche Mitovski continues with his sheriff’s behavior and this morning, contrary to the Law and collective agreement, he resigned from the President of the Trade Union in Water Supply and Sewerage – Skopje. This is a precedent in the operation, bearing in mind that the acting director is an unpredictable person, with a conflicting situation at work, with bad thoughts, who thought that in response to the announced strike in the Public Enterprise Water Supply and Sewerage, now is the moment to fire the president of union Stojanche Kashikovski, the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) said on Friday.
“According to the law and the collective agreement, the president of the union cannot be fired, especially because at the moment a strike procedure is being carried out and this kind of pressure is a message for the workers to obey Mitovski, who has already sent threatening messages to all the workers who are now working despite the warning from the SUTKOZ Trade Union at SSM, which was one of the main demands for the dismissal of the acting director.
With the resignation of the president of the trade union Kashikovski, there is no one to stop Marjanche Mitovski from realizing his bad thoughts, which are dangerous for the safety of the sources from which water is supplied to the city and the citizens of Skopje, and which the trade union publicly warned would happen, and now with the activities of the acting director, this is confirmed.
The dismissal was given because the conflicted Mitovski misconceived that the employee Stojanche Kashikovski was obliged to perform work tasks and obligations during annual leave, and the only responsible person at the legal entity in accordance with the Statute of PE Water Supply and Sewerage – Skopje for performing those tasks was precisely Mitovski in the capacity of acting director.

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