Interior Minister Spasovski: The fact that Onishchenko is on the US blacklist does not mean that he’s a criminal


The Macedonian Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski says that there is no warrant for Ukrainian businessman Oleksandr Onishchenko, and that he has received four positive evaluations.
“The fact that Onishchenko is on the US blacklist does not necessarily mean that he is a criminal,” said Spasovski.
“The Government has the discretionary right to decide on the granting of citizenship for national, economic, cultural, sports or scientific interest, but the decision is made after positive opinions from concerned institutions. Onishchenko has four positive evaluations, from the Equestrian Federation, the Macedonian Olympic Committee, the Agency for Youth and Sports, and the National Security Agency,” said Spasovski in a TV interview.
Spasovski added that a warrant for Onishchenko’s arrest has not been issued.

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