The signatory of a contract with REK Bitola worth EUR 630 thousand is the wife of the TEC Negotino director


Milica Stojanovikj, as the responsible person of the company Chem Alliance, signs the contract with ESM certified on October 20 worth 632 thousand euros. Her husband is Nebojsa Stojanovikj, director of TEC Negotino. REC Bitola says that there is no conflict of interest and that a statement was even signed to that effect.
On October 20 AD ESM, for the needs of REC Bitola, concludes a contract for the public procurement of goods in a direct agreement with the family company of the director of TEC Negotino and a senior official in SDSM, Nebojsa Stojanovikj from Negotino, Chem Alliance based in Pepelishte. The owner of the company is his father, and the manager is his wife Milica Stojanovikj.. Chem Alliance has committed in the next 12 months for the needs of REK Bitola to procure “a pure organic biodegradable compound to prevent the occurrence of dust from disposed ash (REK Bitola)”. The value of this contract with VAT is MKD 39,117,000. The signatory on behalf of REC Bitola is the director Pece Matevski.
REC Bitola says that only one economic operator submitted an offer to the published advertisement within the legal period of 30 days.

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