EU must take concrete actions, words and acknowledgements don’t mean much to the citizens, Zajkova says


My generation is the one that mostly entered the EU and grew with the EU, and Euroscepticism spread mostly through that generation, and therefore concrete steps are needed. We have started the process, but there is a doubt that it will develop, and other citizens from the Region have the same feeling, said Monika Zajkova, MP and newly elected eader of LDP during the regional liberal conference “QVO VADIS EVROPA 2022? – Encouraging expansion and EU integration.

“It takes two to tango, and this process is two-way, and that’s why I urge the EU to take small or big steps for the citizens of the Western Balkans and prove that we are under the same roof, and that is visa liberalization and travel for the countries of the Western Balkans to be under the same conditions, but one of the initiatives is to reduce roaming prices, Zajkova said and added: “We have shown the desire and will to reform, we recognize the weaknesses, we know what we need to work on, but the EU must also dare with specific activities because words and acknowledgements do not mean much to the citizens at the moment”.

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