Osmani wants to talk to the initiators of the Bulgarian clubs in Macedonia to find out their goal


The Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani in an interview with the Bulgarian “Vbox7” again condemned the attack on the cultural club “Tsar Boris III” in Ohrid. Osmani stressed that the Macedonian side, starting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then the Government, the President, all condemned this act of vandalism and said that the Ministry of the Interior is taking necessary actions to find the perpetrators. Osmani pointed out in the interview that there are individuals or groups on both sides, in Macedonia and Bulgaria, who do not want these two countries to have good relations. Osmani also stated that he is planning a dialogue with the initiators of the Bulgarian clubs in Macedonia, in order to see what exactly was the goal of this clubs.

“If the idea is to integrate the Bulgarian community into the system, to prevent possible discriminatory policies towards the Bulgarian community, let’s see what are the best ways to do that. I don’t think that angering the public will achieve that. I myself come from a community that was once in a certain subjugated state. However, and from my own experience, I can say that the way that was chosen, by those people, by the Bulgarian community, is the wrong way. I say this with the best of intentions. I am open to communication, let’s sit down and talk, our interest is for the Bulgarian community to be established, integrated and in excellent relations with all other communities, the Macedonian people and the other peoples that are in the country,” said Osmani.

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