With the Government’s new measures, there are no real reductions in prices


With the new measures of the government, there is no real reduction in prices, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, and he urged for the legislative solutions to come to the parliamentary procedure as soon as possible, which his party will support so that before the holidays, the citizens will feel the reduced prices of the products.

During Sunday’s visit to the municipality of Aerodrom at the event “Your idea for change”, the VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, asked regarding the Government’s new measures to reduce the prices of basic products and whether there is an effect and whether there is a real reduction in prices, stressed that there is no real reduction, and called for the laws to come to the Parliament as soon as possible and VMRO-DPMNE will support them so that the citizens can feel those reductions before the holidays and that there are no political tricks and calculations.

“From what I receive as information, there is no reduction in the prices of basic products, I expect that the laws that we called for to come an hour sooner will finally arrive in the parliament and we will support them, such as, for example, a weekend without VAT for basic food products in order to the citizens can see and feel something from what we requested as the opposition and after many struggles the Government partially accepted it. That’s why I ask, I insist that they submit the laws as soon as possible, so that we can support them to pass those laws so that at least before the holidays, the citizens can now feel something that there are no tricks and political calculations. here we will immediately support them to be on the fast track”, stressed Mickoski.



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