Bomb threats in ten schools in Kumanovo, Mayor Dimitrievski informs


The Mayor of the municipality of Kumanovo Maksim Dimitrievski informed Thursday the general public that bomb threats have been reported in nine elementary and one secondary school in the territory of the municipality of Kumanovo.

The primary municipal schools were “11 Oktomvri”, “Bajram Shabani”, “Brakja Miladinovci”, “Krste Misirkov”, “Brakja Ribar”, “Jeronim Derada”, “Karposh” – Umin Dol, “Kiril i Metodij”, ” Kocho Racin” and the secondary municipal school “Goce Delchev”.

The teams of the Kumanovo Police Department under the Ministry of Interior are on the ground and measures are being taken to clear up the cases.



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