Macedonia borders Albania to the east and Bulgaria to the west, according to fifth grade history and society textbook


Relief map of Macedonia, and next to it several lines of incorrect information. Geographical falsehoods adorn the new history and society textbook for the fifth grade. According to the authors, the highest point on Earth, Mount Everest, is 20,000 meters, although the actual figure is 8,849 meters.

The second grand mistake in the textbook is in the chapter – with whom Macedonia borders. According to the authors, the country borders Bulgaria to the west and Albania to the east.

It is unclear how the authors Anita Angelovska and Glikerija Ilioska got permission to print this content, which elementary school students have been waiting for a long time to get translated into a textbook.

This is just one of the textbooks that were months behind schedule as students learned from improvised materials. The first quarter passed almost without textbooks. Whether and how many errors there are, the Ministry of Education and Science says it will check as soon as possible. The Minister of Education Jeton Shaqiri, in an interview with Telma TV, only briefly informed that the authors of the disputed textbook, which caused a storm of reactions in the public, have been called to a meeting on Friday.

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