SSM: If the minimum wage were to increase at the moment, it would amount to MKD 20,107


The cost of living and the increase in the average salary according to the latest data amount to a total of 24.6 percent, which according to the Minimum Wage Law, in the new calculation, 50 percent of that or 12.3 percent is taken, so if the minimum wage were to increase at the moment, according to according to the calculations of the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM), it would amount to MKD 20,107.

“Harmonization of the minimum wage according to the Minimum Wage Law from this year is carried out by 50 percent of the increase in the average wage, which according to our calculations from January to November has increased by 10.3 percent, so 50 percent of the increase in the average wage is 5.15 percent, as well as 50 percent of the increase in the cost of living, which according to the last published information from the NBRM until last month was 14.3 percent, or 50 percent of the increase in the cost of living was 7.15 percent. The data were taken from the State Statistics Office and NBRM,” the SSM informed on Saturday.

According to the SSM, in a gross salary of MKD 26,422 plus MKD 3,250, the minimum gross salary from March next year will amount to MKD 29,672, or in a net salary of MKD 18,000 plus MKD 2,107, the amount for the minimum salary would be MKD 20,107.

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