Should we expect a joint government between VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM, and the elimination of DUI and Stevo Pendarovski?!


The Plusinfo news website, in two articles published on Friday and Saturday, suggests that there is an ongoing coup attempt within the ruling SDSM, that is, that Zaev is trying with all his might to undermine the positions of his chosen one, Kovachevski, for which he was looking for allies on all sides and even at the top leadership of VMRO DPMNE. According to the news website, on the 21st of December, a meeting was held at the party headquarters at Bihachka street, where Zaev came accompanied by the former Minister of Health Venko Filipche, and besides Kovachevski, Zechevikj, Shekerinska and other members attended the meeting. Commenting on the party’s poor ratings, Zaev, according to Plusinfo, presented a plan in which three points were the most important.

Holding urgent early parliamentary elections, after which SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE will jointly share power for the next eight years, elimination of DUI and Ali Ahmeti from the Government and removal of President Stevo Pendarovski.

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