254 new COVID-19 cases –mostly people over 60, increase recorded among children and youth


The country has registered 254 new COVID-19 cases between December 26 and January 1, according to the latest report of the Institute of Public Health published yesterday.

2,338 tests have been done, and new cases have been confirmed in 18 cities, most of which are in Skopje (193).

Infected persons were registered in all age groups, with the largest number of cases reported in the over 60 age group (89). An increase is observed in all age groups, with the largest increase in the age group of 0-9 years and 20-29 years.

During the last week, 240 people in hospital conditions or on home treatment acquired the status of “recovered”. 99 reinfections were reported, 73.7% more than the previous week (n=57).

During the last week (26.12.2022-01.01.2023) no deceased persons were reported.


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