Stoilkovski: Kovachevski is a servant of Ali Ahmeti’s interests


The meeting in Tirana is just an attempt to save the outgoing government, a meeting to save the careers and businesses of DUI and the few people around Dimitar Kovachevski! Dimitar Kovachevski is a servant of Ali Ahmeti’s interests. Kovachevski’s career consists in fulfilling the wishes and demands of Ali Ahmeti. That’s why now Ahmeti is throwing rubber to save Kovachevski’s political career, and in a short time we will also see the second servant Dimche Apasiev, who will act as a patriot only in words and without actions, said spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE Naum Stoilkovski in a press briefing on Tuesday.

“This Tiranal meeting is happening precisely at the request of SDS and Dimitar Kovachevski in order to get help to extend the mandate of this Government, and in return to implement policies and agendas to the detriment of Macedonia and the Macedonian people. Confirmation of that is the silence of SDS, Kovachevski and Zechevikj about this meeting, that is, the tacit approval, without asking the questions publicly, what agendas and plan elaborated at this meeting will they get on the table? And the result of such a meeting, the result of that agenda cannot be anything different, nothing better, than the known “as it was so far”, Stoilkovski pointed out.

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