Ahmeti calls TV stations such as Telma, Alfa etc. enemies of Albanians


The management of DUI, in parallel with the disaffected former senior officials of DUI, is holding panel discussions at the municipal branches.

Ali Ahmeti and Artan Grubi held a panel in Gostivar on Sunday evening.

Ahmeti said at the event that it is not the government that corrupts, but the fear of losing it.

“For ten years they demanded the removal of Musa Xhaferi, but I have not removed him because it was the will of the majority. Abdilaqim persistently demanded that I replace him, but I did not replace him because that was the will of the majority. Now they are asking me to replace Artan Grubi, but I am not replacing him. Such is the will of the majority. The General Council decided. Who are we serving with these movements that are being made? Surely the enemies of the Albanians. Alfa, Telma, etc. what are they? What did the Albanians who were divided in the past get? They got nothing”, said Ahmeti.

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