Levica to hold protest if a Bulgarian club is opened in Kumanovo


The provocations from the Bulgarian side do not stop! The latest comes through the announced opening of the so-called Bulgarian cultural club in the city symbol of the anti-fascist struggle – Kumanovo, announced the opposition party Levica on Saturday.

“The previous practice has confirmed the correctness of the views of Levica in relation to Bulgaria. The eastern neighbor uses the EU as a tool for blackmail and demands that apparently have no end. On the other hand, the good-neighborliness treaty that we warned about is being used to the maximum extent to harm the interests of the Republic. The opening of the previous so-called Bulgarian clubs proved that these “cultural” institutions are used only for crude propaganda in the service of the Great Bulgarian belligerent fantasy and were followed by provocative, threatening and irredentist messages,” the party said.


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