IPIS poll: More than 60 percent of citizens don’t believe that the state will deal with inflation and the crisis


Over 60 percent of citizens believe that the state is not ready to deal with the economic crisis and inflation, according to the survey of public opinion conducted by the Institute for Political Research Skopje (IPIS) for the program Detector on a representative sample of 1,119 respondents through a telephone survey conducted in between December 23 and December 26.

According to the survey, 60.7 percent of those surveyed believe that the country is not ready to deal with the economic crisis and inflation, while 32.4 percent see readiness. As many as 62.7 percent of the citizens are of the opinion that the current measures introduced by the government to deal with the consequences of the economic crisis and inflation are not yielding results, while 28.5 percent of those surveyed see their effect. The most dissatisfied with the measures are in the Pelagonia region, where 69 percent of the citizens are of the opinion that the government’s measures do not produce results.

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