Over 75 intellectuals from all over the world send an open letter with arguments against the Prespa Agreement


Intellectuals from all over the world sent an Open Letter with arguments against the Prespa “agreement”. Professors from Harvard, Princeton, London, Bologna, Sorbonne, Zagreb, Australia and other places, as well as writers, poets, artists, editors, publishers and other intellectuals put their signatures on an Open Letter with arguments against the Prespa Agreement, Lider reported on Wednesday.

They point out in the letter that the agreement does not serve the interests of either Macedonia or Greece. It is not based on respect for international law, human rights and democratic principles.

Furthermore, it is stressed that this agreement, which tries to define political, historical and cultural borders between “ancient Macedonia” and (what should be) North Macedonia, is a bizarre undertaking unsuitable for the 21st century.

The agreement represents a negation of the constitutional sovereignty of the Republic of Macedonia, as the last word is given to the deputies of a foreign country (Greece). The new name is intended to be used not only in international relations, but also in the internal legal order. The attribute “Macedonian” will be deleted from all official documents and from public use under the threat of Orwellian sanctions. The study of history will be decided by government bodies, not by scientists. International mismanagement continues. Supporting confidence building, conflict resolution and reconciliation measures, we stand by the claim that the Prespa Agreement does not promise sustainable peace. Membership in NATO will not lead to social and economic progress or security for the small Macedonian state; ironically, but precisely Greece is the best proof of what international dictates produce on the European periphery.

There are many famous Macedonian and foreign names among the 76 intellectuals who signed the open letter.

Some of them include the famous writer Milan Kundera, James Pettifer from Oxford and Cambridge, Gorazd Rosoklija and Slavko Bogdanov from Columbia University, Stefano Bianchini from the Bologna university,  Pavleski from the Sorbonne, Jean Patrick Conard from London University, Richard Falk from Princeton and many others.

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