Employees of the Ministry of Finance stage protest


The employees of the Finance Ministry are protesting because there was still no salary increase of 30 percent, as was foreseen.

“At the end of the day, the Ministry of Finance is the backbone of a country. They are responsible for creating policies, but they are also custodians of the state’s assets and we must properly motivate people to stay in the Ministry of Finance. Therefore, honestly, I have a different view of what is a lot and what is a little. If you ask me if 30 percent for the people in the Ministry of Finance or the people in my department who operated with a portfolio that probably no other institution has, I will say that it is little because they deserve more,” Deputy Prime Minister Bytyqi said last year.

The 2023 Budget foresees a 30 percent increase in wages in the Ministry of Finance, in the Ministry of Education by 29 percent, in the Ministry of Defense by nearly 15 percent, along with a 5 percent projected increase in wages in the entire public sector.


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