ESM: Heating in Skopje will be the same for all, between 6 am and 10 pm and internal temperature between 20 and 21 degrees – 24-hour delivery is unsustainable with these gas prices


AD ESM reports that it implemented changes in the heating system of the city of Skopje in order to standardize and equalize the heating, i.e. the same conditions for all consumers, who have a total of 62,000 (households, business facilities and institutions).

A certain number of Energetika consumers will now receive heating from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., as the entire city is supplied, and with an average daily indoor temperature of 20 to 21 degrees. Until now, the consumers of Energetika have received heating 24 hours a day.

“As of February 1, 2,000 users of Energetika, out of a total of 4,000, are on the ESM Supply network, while for the others who remain, technical preparations will be made for the next heating season, so that they have heating like everyone else. The bills will not increase, and those of schools, kindergartens, business facilities and other institutions will be reduced by up to 45%,” the ESM company said.

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