Auditors discover numerous irregularities in the work of the HIF


The Public Revenue Office of the Republic of North Macedonia (PRO) has expressed numerous reservations regarding the financial operations of the Health Insurance Fund (HIF), and certain weaknesses have been noted, among other things, and that 19.9 million euros were given by citizens during the pandemic for PCR tests, which they ended up in private healthcare.

It has been established that the server structure is outdated and depreciated and there is a lack of IT staff and strategy, which was confirmed these days with the hacker attack on the HIF website.

“The auditors found oversights in the controls when prescribing and dispensing medication, non-compliance with the deadlines when performing controls, due to non-established controls sickness benefits were paid and when the insured received a salary, as well as weaknesses in determining and controlling the realization of conditional compensation at the PHI,” said the PRO.

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