Democracy in Macedonia dropped by 20% in just one year, over 61% of citizens believe that there is no democracy in the country


The Eurothink poll exposed the complete incompetence of the government. Starting from the level of corruption in the state system, mistrust in the institutions, as well as the citizens’ opinion that the state is not moving in a fair direction, the results for democracy in the state are catastrophically devastating, accused VMRO-DPMNE on Monday.

“Although SDSM’s main slogan in the past elections was the return of democracy, they did not do anything more, but how they set democracy back in Macedonia. As many as 61% of citizens believe that there is no democracy in the country. This is the result of disrespecting human rights, denying the right to free expression and speech, daily censorship and threats to the media. In just one year, the results of the question “Is Macedonia a democratic country”, the dissatisfaction and the negative answer increased by 21%. In 2021, 40% of citizens rated 1 and 2, in 2022 61% of citizens,” the largest opposition party pointed out.


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