SDS/DUI Government raised Euroscepticism to the highest level, a 20% drop in trust in just one year, Miteva says


While the government is in a race to increase the majority whose supposed goal is the Europeanization of Macedonia, the citizens feel that Macedonia has never been further from the European Union. While the government convinces that the negotiations have started, trust is unfortunately plummeting, spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE Marija Miteva pointed out on Monday.

“Our strategic goal of Macedonia becoming an equal member of the EU through principles and values ​​has become an unattainable goal due to the wrong policies of the government. Eurothink’s poll shows a drastic drop in citizens’ trust. When asked whether Macedonia’s membership in the European Union is a good thing, only 49% of citizens answered positively, which is a drop of 20% in just one year. The very process of accession to the EU, which was on the side of optimism, has been turned into irreparable pessimism by this government. One in three citizens said that Macedonia will never become a member of the EU, which has never been the case before. The government led by SDS and DUI has raised Euroscepticism to the highest level and all this is the result of the wrong policies, incompetence and criminality of the government,” Miteva said.

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